
The last time I photographed Laura was two years ago, shortly after the birth of her daughter, Izzy. Click here to see the photos from that shoot. Laura got in touch again to tell me she had just had another baby and that she would like me to come back and take some more photos.

It’s always lovely to return to families I have previously photographed. Children grow up so fast, I didn’t even recognise Izzy, now two years old, who was just a few weeks old when I saw her last! She was incredibly enthusiastic about having her photos taken! Her baby sister was also very laid back about the session, only crying occasionally when she was hungry. As with all my newborn shoots, there is plenty of time for breaks and cuddles, feeding stops and nappy changes. It’s all very relaxed and the whole family is welcome to get involved.

If you are expecting or have just had a baby and would like to book something similar then please get in touch using my contact page or send an email to info@mouseabouttown.co.uk. Alternatively, give me a call on 07983 465414. Thank you.